Monday, August 8, 2016

ClevelandMoto 131 AMA VINTAGE MOTORCYCLE DAYS - Straight from the Bus!


We've got the guys from Metal Rescue in the Bus, Larry and Adri are here from BCF Cycle and Liza and Nak are on-board from the Motorcycles and Misfits podcast....Click on the link and hold on to your beer extra tight.

How We roll - There's 8 bikes in there....somewhere. 

Sure, I'll trade you a '84 Tri-Moto for a '72 RV125 - Both are essentially the same 2 stroke engine!

Can I trade you a Ct70 and $200 for your TDM850? I guess so...

Johnny Chrome does a BEERRUN! I think that was 4 cases, 3 bags of ice and snacks. 

This is what it looked like when we got home and unloaded...

Monday, August 1, 2016

Clevelandmoto ZERO Motorcycles are HERE!!! 130 BIG FUN!!!!

and we couldn't be happier....

And we didn't wait long to start hoonin' around on it...

ClevelandMoto Gets Weird! Exploring some odd bikes. Episode 129

We rode some bikes tonight....

We talk about the Honda CTX700 - Will it wheelie? I guess it will smoke the rear tire. Overall, we're not all that impressed. Sorry Honda....we usually like your stuff...but this one's pretty boring.